
The City of Atlanta and a joint Task Force of the Virginia Highlands Business Association and the Virginia Highlands Civic Association are engaged in a planning study, focusing on North Highland Avenue. The areas of main concern are the business areas at St. Charles, Virginia, Amsterdam, and University. The objectives are to calm automobile traffic, increase pedestrian safety, improve the quality of the environment for everyone - pedestrians, bicycles, and automobiles; businesses and neighbors; visitors and residents - and, finally, begin to address the issue of parking impacts on neighborhood residents. There is a general agreement that automobile traffic capacity should not be increased, because that would further increase traffic volume and speed in the neighborhood. Further, there is general agreement that the parking supply should not be decreased due to future improvement and could be increased slightly if it were unobtrusive and would not stimulate any additional business expansion. The City will be issuing a report containing the assessment and overall recommendations at the presentation on September 18..

The planning process included a neighborhood workshop, which was held in January at Inman Middle School. About a hundred residents, business owners, employees and guests attended. Working in small groups, the participants suggested improvements for each of the four business areas and a larger group discussed ideas about how to address parking problems.

After the Workshop, the Task Force reviewed the recommendations and decided to select the Virginia Avenue and North Highland Avenue intersection for detailed design studies, following the general recommendations made by the Workshop participants.


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Last Modified August 28, 1999